I had to adjust to shooting from a new location, which presented a few challenges because I didn't know where the fireworks would provide the best angle for viewing and photography. Unfortunately, the spot I initially selected was not a good location. So I quickly moved my camera and tripod to a couple of locations before finding the best location. I didn't do too many really long exposures because there was a pretty strong wind and I didn't want that to ruin the exposures.
Tips for shooting fireworks -
Equipment Used:
- Canon EOS 20D
- Canon 17-85mm Image Stabilized Lens
- Tripod
- Cable Release
- ISO 100 (best color)
- F16-f22
- Bulb Setting (manual mode)
- Image Stabilization turned off
- Manual focus set to Infinity
- Exposures of 3-15 seconds
Please feel free to checkout my new images Fireworks Gallery .
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